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Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Anggota komunitas Jurnalis Joran Indonesia (Jojoners) memancing ikan di sela-sela kegiatan Sahur on the Boat dan Mancing Bersama di perairan Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Sabtu (04/07/2015). Mancing bersama dengan tema Membuka Pintu Berkah Ramadan juga melakukan kegiatan sosial berbagi bersama dengan warga sekitar pesisir Tanjung Pasir. (Dok.Jurnalis Joran Indonesia)
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Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
Jojoners Gelar Sahur on the Boat
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